Joni Klein

Joni Klein

I have been using Janet Makrancy for over 20 years to do all my parties and weddings. We have had children’s parties of Blue’s Clues, Tele-Tubbies, Scooby Doo, and SpongeBob. She has transformed each party into the character’s television show. One time, she did a Caravel Party with games and prizes, hot dog stand, cotton candy. and jugglers on stilts. We have had several tented outdoor parties and weddings. The two weddings were at Jasna Polana in Princeton to a large room in Hamilton that was transformed into the wedding of our dreams. Our weddings have always had the WOW factor with life size trees & flowers that move and a 5’x8’ dragonfly hanging from the ceiling. All of these were at the suggestion of Janet Makrancy. If you give her your vision, her team will make it come to life. If you give them your budget, they will be on the mark. I have also had Janet and her team decorate my home for the holidays. My outdoor trees looked like Tavern on the Green in NYC. The inside looked like a winter wonderland and all within my budget. If you leave everything up to them, all you have to do is show up and enjoy your party or come home to your holiday decorations with not one drop of stress. Janet Makrancy and her team have been a big part of my life for a long time, with unbelievable memories for a lifetime.

-Joni Klein